Just when the media and Congress think they’re ‘handling’ the Birther aka Constitutionalists’ factual assertion that Obama does not meet Article II qualifications, up pops a Patriot, a woman not afraid to tell the truth, and takes them all by surprise.
Shouting clearly, Theresa poured out all our cries after the reading of the natural born citizen portion of Article II, saying

Except Obama! Except Obama! Help us Jesus! My Name is Theresa!
I hear her saying this and know the song; we all do–this is what we are singing. Millions of people heard this today, it was a great day for America!!! 

And how perfect: Obama is the exception to natural born citizen, we all know it including Congress, it is deeply, spiritually serious, and adding her name proudly to those who have taken a stand in front of the world. That is real, that is the truth.
As they stand there and read our founding document–for many it was clearly the first time–the exception they have willfully ignored landed right in their laps on the floor of the House, with “TC from DC” properly exercising her First Amendment Rights, unfiltered, on National TV. And Theresa Cao forced everyone to name theobvious elephant in the living room. Nicely done! 

(And, ahem. Got Misprision of Felony? Speaker Boehner Bonehead, there is no proof, and the Speaker of the House shouldn’t be guided by hearsay.)
Tweeting from the House floor, like the regime’s ‘judges’ tweet from the bench, the irresponsible and intellectually dishonest democrat Jim Himes Hiney-like behavior texts to twitter: ‘birther’ interrupts the reading of the constitution…as he and other democrat anti-Americans deride the reading of the Constitution as a fetish.
(Note to Congress: If you think the Constitution is a ‘fetish’ then you have perjured yourself in your oath of office and should resign immediately.)
Intellectual Dishonesty and Disinformation
Because the lame stream media did not cannot control Theresa Cao, they immediately dismiss the story (FAUX) or misrepresent facts and spread disinformation. They are wholly intellectually dishonest lying. First, the use of the term “birther” now means that Constitutionalists believe Obama was born in Kenya. From the lame stream media’s point of view, it can’t be that no one knows where he was born. It can’t be that it doesn’t matter where he was born, he is a dual citizen with foreign allegiance, he is not full-blooded American. Falling back on clever editing they perpetuate misinformation. From Commander Charles Kerchner:
MSNBC engages in disinformation and misinformation by factual omissions in reporting the disruption point of the reading of the U.S. Constitution in order to convey a false reading of the Constitution to be implied to their readers.Notice in this story by MSNBC that they incorrectly report the point of interruption of the reading of the Constitution today in such a way to make it sound like the Constitution only says right after the phrase “natural born Citizen, that to be President a person only has to be a Citizen.That is where MSNBC stopped quoting (improperly and falsely in the MSNBC story) what happened and what the House Rep was reading verbatim from the Constitution and had read and what he actuall got read and said prior to the interruption from the gallery. The Constitution says that you must be either a “natural born Citizen” or a “Citizen of the United States at the time of adoption of this Constitution”. Both those Citizenship status requirement options were read by the House Rep prior to the interruption. But that is not what NBC reported. They truncated off many words in the Constitution in their report.According to my listening to the audio the interruption from the gallery occurred much later in the reading of the eligibility clause in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 … after the word “office” was said. This is what got said by the House Rep in his reading prior to the shouts of “Except Obama” from the gallery.No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;Then the interruption came from the gallery shouting “Except Obama”. (note edit by drk, started right after the first “President”, and was on-going when the next phrase was read, ‘neither shall…”Here is the actual audio/video of the event today. You listen to it and see if MSNBC reported the point of interruption correctly. They did not.These disinformation people in the media should be arrested some day. This was deliberate by MSNBC and others reporting what happened to give a deliberately false interpretation of what the Constitution says and what was read prior to the interruption from the gallery. Others are also saying she shouted out something about Obama’s birth certificate which is not true either.Read more coverage of what actually happened here. MSNBC talking heads and writers in other major media doing such blatantly misleading and false reporting and engaging in convenient omissions to mislead the American people as to what the Constitution really says in the presidential eligibility clause of the U.S. Constitution should be fired.
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