Friday, January 21, 2011

Where Have We Heard This Before? - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

Where Have We Heard This Before? - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

Why Everything Starts with Repeal - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

Why Everything Starts with Repeal - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

Boycott the Glenn Beck Boycott

Boycott the Glenn Beck Boycott

GOP healthcare agenda to limit abortions, probe Dem reforms - The Hill's Healthwatch

GOP healthcare agenda to limit abortions, probe Dem reforms - The Hill's Healthwatch

OVERNIGHT TECH: GOP reps back Verizon net neutrality challenge - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

OVERNIGHT TECH: GOP reps back Verizon net neutrality challenge - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Thursday, January 20, 2011

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Landmark Decision: Constitution is Void

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Landmark Decision: Constitution is Void

Interesting Commentary from a Hawaii Resident

Interesting Commentary from a Hawaii Resident

APD officers sidelined after failing firearms test  |

APD officers sidelined after failing firearms test  | | 01/20/2011 | Ga. unemployment rate rises to 10.2 percent | 01/20/2011 | Ga. unemployment rate rises to 10.2 percent | 01/20/2011 | Fort Benning troops: Documentary shows raw emotion of ‘Baker Boys’ | 01/20/2011 | Fort Benning troops: Documentary shows raw emotion of ‘Baker Boys’

How to Make the Senate Vote on Full Obamacare Repeal

How to Make the Senate Vote on Full Obamacare Repeal

Obama tells Students: "It's true I'm not American"... " I come from KENYA"

Taxpayers Should Not Have to Bail Out Wall Street


Rule Like A Dictator ~That is the Obama Plan

House Republicans may tie balanced budget to raising the nation’s debt limit -

House Republicans may tie balanced budget to raising the nation’s debt limit -

House votes to repeal Obama's health care law - WTOC, Savannah, Georgia, news, weather and sports |

House votes to repeal Obama's health care law - WTOC, Savannah, Georgia, news, weather and sports |

BBC News - Hu Jintao and Barack Obama's conjuring trick

BBC News - Hu Jintao and Barack Obama's conjuring trick

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Audacity of Fraud

Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer plans to hand over offshore banking secrets of the rich and famous to WikiLeaks | Media | The Observer

Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer plans to hand over offshore banking secrets of the rich and famous to WikiLeaks | Media | The Observer

CBO Wrong: ObamaCare Repeal Would Not Increase Deficits - HUMAN EVENTS

CBO Wrong: ObamaCare Repeal Would Not Increase Deficits - HUMAN EVENTS

Will The Republicans Really Cut This Time? - HUMAN EVENTS

Will The Republicans Really Cut This Time? - HUMAN EVENTS

Cover-up taking place as everyone is focused on Arizona shooter

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dixie Rising

Dixie Rising

Martin Luther King, Jr. on War

Velvet Revolution - Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Obama

Velvet Revolution - Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Obama

Oversight asks for DHS documents about FOIA requests - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Oversight asks for DHS documents about FOIA requests - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

A Veto-Proof Senate In ’12? - HUMAN EVENTS

A Veto-Proof Senate In ’12? - HUMAN EVENTS

House GOP Gives Obama An Ultimatum On Debt Ceiling - HUMAN EVENTS

House GOP Gives Obama An Ultimatum On Debt Ceiling - HUMAN EVENTS

Down for a Deal - Andrew Stiles - National Review Online

Down for a Deal - Andrew Stiles - National Review Online

The Tab Comes Due in 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tea Partier says Financial solvency is a national security matter. - Atlanta Tea Party

Tea Partier says Financial solvency is a national security matter. - Atlanta Tea Party

Dixie Rising: Homeland Security chairman wants plan after White ...

Dixie Rising: Homeland Security chairman wants plan after White ...: "Homeland Security chairman wants plan after White House scraps border fence - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room"

Homeland Security chairman wants plan after White House scraps border fence - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Homeland Security chairman wants plan after White House scraps border fence - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Liberals warn of Democratic schism if Obama backs Social Security cut -

Liberals warn of Democratic schism if Obama backs Social Security cut -



Texas Looks to Mandate 'English-Only' for Driver's License Tests

Was Judge John Roll assassinated?

POLITICO: On Congress: Congressional news and analysis - Tea Party Caucus convenes

POLITICO: On Congress: Congressional news and analysis - Tea Party Caucus convenes

Pew Research Poll

Freedom in decline worldwide: US report

Freedom in decline worldwide: US report